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Head of wardrobe  

Suzannah Marriott

As head of Wardrobe at Theatre North West I was responsible for managing the wardrobe department and costume construction team in the creation of costumes. This included meeting the performers needs, searching for particular costume pieces and working closely with the artistic director and costume designer to create a look that worked for each show. Relaying this information back to the construction team and setting tight deadlines in order for the show to open on time was essential. Skill included, excellent sewing skills, attention to detail, time management, independent thinking and working closely with the artistic team. 


With experience as both a costume designer and head of wardrobe I brought a unique approach to each show, collaborating with the designers as well as completing the wardrobe role. I believe theatre truly requires a team player approach whilst still having strong leadership within your specialized dapeament to complete the tasks on time. 


Shows at Theatre North West I was a part of included: Fly me to the moon, Alice in Wonderland, Drowning girls and Half life. 

Alice in Wonderland 

Alice in wonderland, an old time favourite but with a twist, who has seen Alice in wonderland with a Humpty Dumpty! Yes this was great fun! 

“Quick changes”  was an understatement, more like insta change in seconds! That took some wardrobe magic! 

Cast and creative team:

A. Alexander, E. Anciro, B. Ball, H. Baxter, E. Birkenbergs, B. Blais, S. Dey, C. Fysh,

 Z. Holvick, M. Kast, G. King, R. Lewis, C. Lodge, S.  Materi, J. McClelland, A. Nathoo, M. Peters,

C. Ramsay, J. Reilly, H. Saefkow, S. Sholdice, K. Sokyrko,

H. Thompson,

M. Truscott, D. Yim 

Photography by Philomena Hughes

Drowning Girls 

Drawing girls was a truly wonderful show to be a part of. The challenge of thee period white wedding dresses, getting wet in bath tubs and not becoming transparent! 

Loved loved loved this masterpiece! 

Heather Morrison 

Lauren Brotman

Sarah Roh 

Kate Newby: Director 
Hans Haug: Set designer

Johnathan Lewis:Sound Designer
Jennifer Lee Arsenault: Costume Designer

Alexander Prichard: Lighting Designer
Yvonne Yip: Stage Manager

Photography by Philomena Hughes

Half Life 

Half life, was a very warm, heart felt show. With contemporary costumes this made my job as head of wardrobe more simple. Finding that right cardigan however, can be  a challenge! Contemporary shows require great attention to detail when working with a tight budget! Making the most of every purchase and pushing the boundaries so each character has real potential and expression with their costumes. 

Photography by Philomena Hughes

Fly Me To The Moon

Fly me to the Moon had so much comedy! Working closely with the artistic director was essential to stay on track with the way the characters were developing and how that might effect their costumes. Comedy was a huge part of this show and it was apparent in the way they used their costumes to become their characters. 

Photography by Philomena Hughes
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